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Home > Common land in a sentence

Common land in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2021-04-13Updated:2021-04-13
Similar words: common languagecommon lawcommon-lawcommonlyuncommonlyin common parlanceon landvacationlandMeaning: n. a pasture subject to common use. 
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1. This used to be common land, where everyone had the right to graze animals.
2. The 46,000 animals that graze on common land on Dartmoor may have to be destroyed, although not the area s ponies.
3. They are opposed to the enclosure common land.
4. The other common owner who cultivates over common land.
5. They are opposed to the enclosure of common land.
6. the enclosure of common land in the seventeenth century.
7. The common land redistributed to one common landowner through negotiation.
8. Most of the land his tribe occupied was common land on which the cattle grazed together.
9. Villagers traditionally have the right to graze their cattle on the common land.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. Without effective arrangement of property right of natural resources, tragedy in common land will occur.
11. Common right to land which was the most essential feature of common land also decreased.
12. Point out the IT that reveals on afore - mentioned trade exhibition not common land is extensive.
More similar words: common languagecommon lawcommon-lawcommonlyuncommonlyin common parlanceon landvacationlandcommoncommonsin commoncommoneruncommoncommon eracommon areacommon mancommon coldcommon fatecommonnesscommon sealcommon sharecommonwealcommon roomcommon timebe common tocommon nouncommon goodcommonaltycommonplacecommon touch
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  • Hernando 2023-02-28 15:06:19
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  • Ella 2023-02-24 13:40:12
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  • Hernando 2023-02-23 19:27:26
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